Terms and Condition

PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia is licensed to You (End-User) by PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia, located and registered at Bali, Indonesia (“Licensor”), for use only under the terms of this License Agreement.

By downloading the Licensed Application from Apple’s software distribution platform (“App Store”) and Google’s software distribution platform (“Play Store”), and any update to that (as permitted by this License Agreement), You indicate that You agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this License Agreement and that You accept this License Agreement Séwa App at App Store and Play Store is referred to in this License Agreement as “Services.”

The parties of this License Agreement acknowledge that the Services are not a Party to this License Agreement and are not bound by any provisions or obligations concerning the Licensed Application, such as warranty, liability, maintenance, and support there of. PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia, not the Services, is solely responsible for the Licensed Application and the content thereof.

This License Agreement may not provide for usage rules for the Licensed Application that conflict with the latest Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions and Google Play Terms of Service (“Usage Rules”). PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia acknowledges that it had the opportunity to review the Usage Rules and this License Agreement does not conflict with them.

PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia when purchased or downloaded through the Services, is licensed to You for use only under the terms of this License Agreement. The Licensor reserves all rights not expressly granted to You. PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia is to be used on devices that operate with Apple’s operating systems (“iOS” and “Mac OS”) or Google’s operating system (“Android”).





PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia (“Licensed Application”) is a piece of software created to help the company to collect data — and customized for iOS and Android mobile devices (“Devices”). It is used to store information about {description}.



  1. This license will also govern any updates of the Licensed Application provided by the Licensor that replace, repair, and/or supplement the first Licensed Application, unless a separate license is provided for such update, in which case the terms of that new license will govern.
  1. You may not share or make the Licensed Application available to third parties (unless to the degree allowed by the Usage Rules, and with PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia’s prior written consent), sell, rent, lend, lease, or otherwise redistribute the Licensed Application.
  1. You may not reverse engineer, translate, disassemble, integrate, decompile, remove, modify, combine, create derivative works or updates of, adapt or attempt to derive the source code of the Licensed Application, or any part thereof (except with PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia’s prior written consent).
  1. You may not copy (excluding when expressly authorized by this license and the Usage Rules) or alter the Licensed Application or portions thereof. You may create and store copies only on devices that You own or control for backup keeping under the terms of this license, the Usage Rules, and any other terms and conditions that apply to the device or software used. You may not remove any intellectual property notices. You acknowledge that no unauthorized third parties may gain access to these copies at any time. If you sell your Devices to a third party, you must remove the Licensed Application from the Devices before doing so.
  1. Licensor reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of licensing.



The Licensor reserves the right to modify the technical specifications as it sees appropriate at any time.



  1. PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia is not obligated, expressed or implied, to provide any maintenance, technical or other support for the Licensed Application
  1. PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia and the end user acknowledge that the Services have no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services concerning the Licensed Application.



You acknowledge that Licensor will be able to access and adjust Your downloaded Licensed Application content and Your personal information and that Licensor’s use of such material and information is subject to Your legal agreements with Licensor and Licensor’s privacy policy, which can be accessed by Under the terms and condition.

You acknowledge that the Licensor may periodically collect and use technical data and related information about your device, system, and application software, and peripherals, offer product support, facilitate the software updates, and for purposes of providing other services to you (if any) related to the Licensed Application. Licensor may also use this information to improve its products or to provide services or technologies to you, as long as it is in a form that does not personally identify you.



  1. The price of the Products and our delivery charges will be as quoted on our site from time to time, except in cases of obvious error.
  2. Product prices include VAT.
  3. Product prices and delivery charges are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect orders in respect of which we have already sent you a Welcome Email.
  4. Payment for all Services is processed via Third Party Payment Gateway.



By posting your Contributions to any part of the Licensed Application or making Contributions accessible to the Licensed Application by linking your account from the Licensed Application to any of your social networking accounts, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to us an unrestricted, unlimited, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide right, and license to host, use copy, reproduce, disclose, sell, resell, publish, broadcast, retitle, archive, store, cache, publicly display, reformat, translate, transmit, excerpt (in whole or in part), and distribute such Contributions (including, without limitation, your image and voice) for any purpose, commercial advertising, or otherwise, and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate in other works, such as Contributions, and grant and authorize sub-licenses of the foregoing. The use and distribution may occur in any media format and through any media channels.

This license will apply to any form, media, or technology now known or hereafter developed, and includes our use of your name, company name, and franchise name, as applicable, and any of the trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, and personal and commercial images you provide. You waive all moral rights in your Contributions, and you warrant that moral rights have not otherwise been asserted in your Contributions.

We do not assert any ownership over your Contributions. You retain full ownership of all of your Contributions and any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights associated with your Contributions. We are not liable for any statements or representations in your Contributions provided by you in any area in the Licensed Application. You are solely responsible for your Contributions to the Licensed Application and you expressly agree to exonerate us from any and all responsibility and to refrain from any legal action against us regarding your Contributions.

We have the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, (1) to edit, redact, or otherwise change any Contributions; (2) to recategorize any Contributions to place them in more appropriate locations in the Licensed Application; and (3) to prescreen or delete any Contributions at any time and for any reason, without notice. We have no obligation to monitor your Contributions.



  1. Licensor warrants that the Licensed Application is free of spyware, trojan horses, viruses, or any other malware at the time of Your download. Licensor warrants that the Licensed Application works as described in the user documentation.
  1. No warranty is provided for the Licensed Application that is not executable on the device, that has been unauthorizedly modified, handled inappropriately or culpably, combined or installed with inappropriate hardware or software, used with inappropriate accessories, regardless if by Yourself or by third parties, or if there are any other reasons outside of PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia’s sphere of influence that affect the executability of the Licensed Application.
  1. You are required to inspect the Licensed Application immediately after installing it and notify PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia about issues discovered without delay by email provided in Product Claims. The defect report will be taken into consideration and further investigated if it has been emailed within a period of 14 days after discovery.
  1. If we confirm that the Licensed Application is defective, PT. Synergy Digital Indonesia reserves a choice to remedy the situation either by means of solving the defect or substitute delivery.
  1. In the event of any failure of the Licensed Application to conform to any applicable warranty, You may notify the Services Store Operator and Your Licensed Application purchase price will be refunded to You. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Services Store Operator will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the Licensed Application, and any other losses, claims, damages, liabilities, expenses, and costs attributable to any negligence to adhere to any warranty.
  1. If the user is an entrepreneur, any claim based on faults expires after a statutory period of limitation amounting to twelve (12) months after the Licensed Application was made available to the user. The statutory periods of limitation given by law apply to users who are consumers.



You represent and warrant that You are not located in a country that is subject to a US Government embargo, or that has been designated by the US Government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and that You are not listed on any US Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.


Last Updated: 07/03/2024

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